Other Worlds – David Lucas & Nicola Killeen
Nicola has been working on a collaborative project with writer and illustrator David Lucas. The work is a celebration of the beauty of David’s drawings and the art of storytelling itself. It aims to showcase the variety of craft skills and expertise that contribute to the visual arts of theatre, film, fashion and interior design.
The initial stage of the work, with the input of a team of creative makers included quilts, kimono gowns, knitwear, laser cut-out shadow puppets, cushions, throws, an upholstery and bespoke curtain service, and costumes.
The project is ongoing and developing – commissions are welcome and products and objects from the collection are available for purchase. Please email any requests to nicola@nktextiles.com

Many thanks to:
David Lucas davidlucas.org.uk
Handsome Folk handsomefolk.com
David Scotcher Interiors davidscotcher.co.uk
Little Angel Puppet Theatre littleangeltheatre.com
The Children’s Bookshop, Muswell Hill childrensbookshoplondon.com
Parkinson Gill Theatrical Costumiers parkinsongill.com
Jackie Hallatt Crafted Costumes jackiehallatt.co.uk